

plane ride ' equals two by two feet for sleeping equals me not sleeping and watching movies in italian to try to up my vocab which is now consisting of about thirty words! by luck and luck alone made it through the airport <8ok a bit of cleverness and line'jumping on my part<<9 and found ilaria, drove through rome, had coffee in a bar. i broke my laptop officially ' it is running but running very slow since i dropped it while it was on from a height of about four feet. i am currently on ilariaàs macbook with europe symbols and keyboard with which i am unfamiliar. wish me luck for the hostel tonight ' ps internet is not as easy to access as i thought and as my computer is broken, i will liekly not be responding as much as i thought i would. also i do not have cell phone service. though tmobile said i would.ù

very crazy! my hed feels wild like what have i done? i couldnt have prepared myself for this at all though i also know that i didnt even attempt to! a wild way, and here i go. i am already homesick but this is what i must do.

love you all very much.