
glass'bottom boat ride.

a little forced since i was told to write about it in exchange for euro which i have yet to see.

sun glints white off the sea outside and below the boats opens to reveal at surface level, white bubbles travelling steadily in strings backward, like foggy clouds under yarn

deeper lies the titanic of rocks, buried for centuries and surrounded by sand dunes, fields of sea plants, craters *or is that a sea urchin_( and white mushrooms all over.

the breeze comes in refreshing us all from terrain reminiscent of the surface of the moon. we find gollum's cave. the girls snap photos of one another and speak of boys, in ortigia and at home.

the sea is mostly calm and reminds me of the lake in kentucky, lake cumberland, back home, but clad instead of hunter green in brilliant blue.

bands of sea color i imagine expand from the boat in a circular motion.