
The dream of underwater volcanoes.

I am swimming along on the bottom of the sea it is like when im there with my eyes open but with much less color. Switch to view from above the water is turbulent and like cutout shapes of waves but dark. There are a few people bobbing. A warning. I told you so.

It starts and I am fascinated, there hovering above the seafloor and it starts, a bubble under the surface of the sand. It grows.

And into a caterpillar and tall and a flash of one and two it explodes jelly fire shoots into the water into the sky.

People are hurt.

A man afterwards shows me the small fresh wounds on his finger, focusing on a particular one on the side. The same spot where I woke up to a terrible zanzara bite.
He says it just kept bleeding all night and they extracted the live ember that was embedded there, stewing and churning and burning its way through flesh.

His finger was emitting blood like a volcano emits its blood.