
incubo d'un fantasmo/maiale.

mi sveglio d'un incubo faccendo il suono d'un porco.

lo stavo faccendo ad un fantasmo con gli occhi bianchi chi mi stava guardando nella mia faccia.

i was in a house i had made a sign for and placed on the front yard, something about 'if you want to see this house, we are interested in it and we can show you.'
it was a house cosi' (drawing of 3 story 2 window wide highrise apt complex) and red brick.
i woke up in bed with dario and couldn't move, could feel my body being pulled up towards the top of the bed, over my pillow. i thought my body was being consumed by ghosts and i half awoke to think it. i tried hard to move but couldnt
some other stuff, scary stuff happened
but the next i remember is me trying to slap dario awake and say we gotta go dario,
this isnt our house but he wouldnt wake
and finally he did but said
'i would but there is a groundhog staring standing at the foot of my bed'
but he really said 'grandpa' though i tried to make a joke out of it because i was so scared.
dario was smiling
i could sense his teeth in the dark and then i felt them with my fingers
and it scared me even more
i thought he was possessed.
i bit his nose hard but afraid to draw blood and attract the sharklike demon energy but he laughed and said 'they bit it off so many times i had to have it sewn back on' speaking back on what was about to happen.
i tried to get out of bed and was face in face with 'the grandpa,' a bald man of 35 or so with eyes and head covered in white makeup. i snorted at him to scare and mock him and awoke like a pig, wanting to wake dario.