ascending stairs at the reynold's building which is much more grandiose than the actual.
i run into a boy as he walks in the door. he vaguely resembles tim wilburn but only in stature. we talk and he tells me his name
we shake hands.
he tells me the answers to my questions.
then comes a couple of girls and he is lost in the confusion.
they tell me
he was a ghost.
i end up outside and i am trying to return, to find him
to remember what his name was and what he had said to me.
i find it odd that i shook his hand even though he was a ghost.
i end up in a huge room that resembles a lighthouse room but ginormous. canyon sized.
there are stairs leading in every imaginable direction and stopping in the middle of nowhere.
i am climbing them, maybe with some of my family.
i hear a dog barking there is shuffling the room fills with churning freezing sea water greygreen and envelops the stairs which writhe and rise from the water with me holding on for dear life, just before descending to crash into the sea.
i awake. my sister's dog is barking.