
nutella. tivu.

italians are addicted to nutella. stefano says, 'you know when you watch a sad movie and you get depressed its perfect to sit down and eat the entire jar and then you feel so much better.'

what a girl.

dario saying 'i hate to leave the past in my mouth, so i have to rinse it out.'
he was talking about brushing his teeth, which he referred to as 'one of my favorite things.'

my tunisian neighbor came to me and said 'you must put one of these satellite dishes on your balcony.'
neither of us speak italian well, so i misunderstood him. 'i dont like tv.' i told him.
he said no no i need it for my tv. he has lived in this apartment for 3 years with his satellite dish in the same place, and i hear his crappy arabic sitcoms with dubbed in laughter when he's not working, nearly all day. he says it doesnt come in clear enough and needs to face inside the island, which it cannot do from his house.

i told him tv is bad for him anyway. his argument was that it was arabic tv. i said that dish will be ugly and i dont really want those waves going through my body. he said you can close the door to the balcony.

i thought about the food his wife makes me almost every night for dinner which is perfect when i come home from work and am starving and have no food in the house and said, 'come vuoi.' as you want. whatever.

later i came out on the balcony to watch for stefano on his bicycle and found my neighbor out there, staring hard at my balcony with a roll of wire in his hand.

oh, tunisians and television. dedication.